Under the Spotlight

featured image of the spotlight on ken dumond
An Ode to Our Friend, Ken Dumond

We’ve finally broken ground into 2021! A new and exciting year lies ahead of us,...

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Candid show of Murray Sobko for this Spotlight
Under The Spotlight: Murray Sobko

We have all become used to life without fans in the seats (cardboard cutouts don’t...

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Headshot of Stephen Knox for his Spotlight

Turning our Spotlight to another Genumarker, today we find Stephen Knox, our VP of Technology...

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Under The Spotlight: Dave Wilson

We had a short hiatus on these Spotlights, but we are back at it again!...

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Under the Spotlight: Scott McKenzie

With a laid back personality and a dedicated spirit, Account Manager Scott McKenzie is the...

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Under the Spotlight: Deanna Lewry

With a distinctive and welcoming laugh, it is always easy to find Deanna Lewry when...

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Under the Spotlight: Alexis Sanchez

He could easily be called, “The Man Who Has Lived Everywhere,” Account Manager Alexis Sanchez...

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Under the Spotlight: Raywati Moorsaleen

While our sales team is at the front lines of our business,  there are so...

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Under the Spotlight: Jean Stefanazzi

She has only been here for just shy of a year, but Genumark is going...

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