Genumark’s PlastEco™ Employee Awards – A Sustainable Achievement in Partnership with St Regis

At Genumark, our commitment to sustainability is woven into the very fabric of our business, underscored by our proud status as a Certified B Corporation. This year, we took our dedication to the environment further by creating our employee award trophies using recycled plastic bags. These PlastEco™ trophies, in partnership with one of our incredible supplier partners, St Regis, symbolize our mission to lead with purpose and a tangible demonstration of our commitment to sustainability, a key aspect of our B Corporation certification. They celebrate the remarkable contributions of our team members while also serving as a beacon of our environmental stewardship. 

The Vision: Transforming Waste into Worth

The idea behind this year’s trophies was born from a desire to hand out awards that honoured our employees and embodied our values of sustainability and environmental stewardship. We sought to source a product that was not just an award but a statement—a symbol of our commitment to reducing waste and repurposing materials that would otherwise end up in landfills or the ocean.

Sourcing Sustainable Materials: The Heart of PlastEco™

To bring the awards to life, we turned to St Regis, a trusted partner known for innovation and craftsmanship. Their expertise and commitment to sustainability were instrumental in the success of this project. The materials used for these awards are primarily LDPE (Low-Density Polyethylene) and HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene) soft plastic waste sourced from local partners, including supermarkets, companies, and community residents. Each award integrates approximately 60 shopping bags worth of plastic waste, demonstrating a significant reduction in environmental impact.

What makes these awards even more remarkable is the inclusion of recycled pellets from Ocean Legacy—an organization that recycles fishing nets found along the British Columbia shoreline. This collaboration adds a layer of storytelling to the awards and highlights the importance of ocean conservation, a cause that resonates deeply with us.

The Creation Process: A Labor of Love and Innovation

The creation of PlastEco™ awards is a meticulous process, reflecting the care and thoughtfulness that goes into every piece. Brianna Mazze, Vice President of Compliance and Sustainability at St Regis, shared insights into the three critical phases of production:

  1. Collection/Sorting Phase: Plastic waste is collected from the local neighbourhood and carefully sorted at the studio. This step ensures that only the most suitable materials are selected for the next phase.
  2. Melting Phase: The sorted soft plastic is melted and transformed into 3/4″ plates. This stage requires precision and expertise to achieve the desired texture and consistency.
  3. Finishing Phase: The plates are then milled into the final product, then sanding, planing, and buffing. Depending on the project’s requirements, additional coatings may be applied to enhance the durability and aesthetics of the awards. 
Challenges and Triumphs: Overcoming Scale

One of the biggest challenges in creating PlastEco™ was scaling the production. Each award is handmade, a labour-intensive process that demands time and dedication. However, the result—a unique, sustainable award—made every effort worthwhile. This project marked the first time St Regis created awards of this nature, and they rose to the challenge with creativity and perseverance, inspiring us all with their determination and commitment.

A Purpose-Driven Future for Branded Merchandise

PlastEco™ awards are a powerful reminder that branded merchandise can be purposeful and beautiful. As St Regis notes, the plastic crisis is accurate, and while we cannot eliminate plastic use overnight, we can repurpose waste to create sustainable, impactful products. These awards are more than just tokens of appreciation—they are thought-provoking symbols of what is possible when purpose leads to innovation. 

Looking Ahead: Continuing the Journey of Sustainability

Our collaboration with St Regis on PlastEco™ is just the beginning. Together, we are exploring new ways to enhance the sustainability and impact of our products. By pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the promotional merchandise industry, we aim to inspire others to join us in making a positive difference. 

In a world increasingly focused on purpose-led business practices, PlastEco™ stands as a testament to what can be achieved when sustainability and creativity intersect. At Genumark, we are proud to create a more sustainable future—one award at a time.